


The Kyrgyz Republic

The capital of the country is Bishkek.

The country’s land area is 198,500 km2 (76,641 sq mi) and has no direct sea access, unlike its neighboring country Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan is mainly mountainous with ranges dividing the country into two parts: northeast and southwest.

The neighboring countries of the Kyrgyz Republic are Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China and Tajikistan. The total length of the country’s borders is 3,878 km (12,723 mi).

Known as the Switzerland of Central Asia, the country is covered with different mountains ranges. The highest peak is Lenin Peak at 7,134 m (23,405 ft) above sea level and is located on the southern border with Tajikistan.

Kyrgyzstan is a very popular destination for adventure and nature travels. It’s the perfect country to go hiking, cycling, horseback riding or road tripping.






A unique journey
to the country of mountains

The world’s only true nomadic life
Nomadic life is disappearing around the world, but it remains active in Kyrgyzstan. Traditionally a nomadic people, the Kyrgyz have perfectly preserved this way of life, which you can experience during your trip in the country.

Yurt accommodation in the heart of the high mountains
The handcrafted manufacture and decoration of yurts with felt is a thousand-year-old Kyrgyz tradition. These yurts are set up in the heart of the mountains during the summer months by the Kyrgyz people.

The horse legend
Horses play an important role in the daily life of the nomadic Kyrgyz. They learn to ride from an early age and they often play out in the wilderness Buzkachi, a famous horse game.


The capital, and main city of Kyrgyzstan, was founded in 1878 as a Russian fortress. The city is characterized by wide boulevards and marble public buildings. The boulevards are covered by large trees that provide shade from the summer heat. The city’s population is estimated to be over one million in 2020.

Originally founded as a stop-over for the Silk Road caravans, the city became richer in the early 19th century. The name Bishkek was only recently adopted in 1992 after independence from the former Soviet Union.



The largest lake in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, its name means “hot lake”. Located at 1,606 m (5269 ft) above sea level, this lake is slightly salty and does not freeze in winter despite its altitude.

According to the stories of Ella Maillart (Swiss traveler and writer of the 20th century), a barber would have entrusted the secret of the donkey ears of King Midas to a well, but he forgot to close the access. The water from the well then overflowed and flooded the king’s palace, creating the current lake.



Another lake in Kyrgyzstan, located in the Tian Shan Mountains at an altitude of 3,016 m (9,895 ft), covering 275 km2 (106 sq mi) and a depth of 15 m (49 ft). Inaccessible during the winter months because of the snow, this lake is very popular during the summer.

Nomads come and settle on the shores of the lake with their herds of horses, sheep, etc. There are also several yurt camps, which are used not only by nomads, but also by travelers who come to explore the lake and its surroundings.


Explore Osh

Known as the capital of the south, Osh is the second most important city in Kyrgyzstan. The city was a famous silk production city in ancient times.

The city is located in the Ferghana Valley (the Ferghana Valley is currently shared by three neighboring countries: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) and is home to one of the largest markets in the country. The Sulaiman-Too Mountains, also known as the “Throne of Solomon”, in honor of the Prophet-King, are located near the city of Osh.


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